Montessori Minds Consulting

11 Stress Management Techniques for Kids: Lessons for the Classroom and Life

Stress for children ages 8-12 has increased by 45% over the last 30 years and continues to rise at increasing rates. Stress serves a biological purpose–when we experience stress hormones are released that trigger “fight or flight” reflexes and help us escape dangerous situations. However, as civilization has evolved these hormones are more often triggered […]

Classroom Agreements vs. Rules

Classroom agreements are more effective than classroom rules. Learn why, and the five steps to creating effective classroom agreements by…

9 Best Systems for Student Independence in Montessori Classrooms

Building a culture of student independence is what leads to “normalization” of a Montessori classroom. “Normalization” is the translated (from Italian) term that Dr. Montessori used to describe a productive, happy classroom that functions independently with minimal teacher intervention needed. This allows the teacher to focus on giving lessons, scaffolding, observing and collecting data instead […]

3 Stages of Montessori Teacher Development

“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking: it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.” Dr. Maria Montessori, Education and Peace Being a Montessori educator is no small task. It is […]

What is Classroom Leadership?

There are a lot of terms used for how teachers lead their classrooms: classroom management, behavior management, classroom discipline…but the term I prefer most is Classroom Leadership. Classroom leadership is about more than “making children behave” or “getting children to do their work”. It is about building a community that models the real world, and […]

5 Tips for Montessori Curriculum Planning

How to Prepare Before Making Your 3-Year Plan Montessori is designed to “follow the child”, which makes Montessori curriculum planning more challenging. Therefore, most Montessori schools do not have a curricular calendar that they expect each teacher to follow for lessons, assessments, etc. This helps give Montessori teachers the freedom and flexibility to be responsive […]