Montessori Minds Consulting

11 Human Tendencies

Montessori’s 11 Human Tendencies provide insight into what drives us all. These tendencies can be used to instill motivation and drive us toward our potential.

Success and Challenge: The Roller Coaster Analogy

Helping children find a positive relationship with challenge is the key to unlocking learning. Learn how the brain reacts to challenge and success and how we can help students harness this process for optimal learning. Find ideas for talking to children about challenge, struggle, and success.

7 Vital Ways Montessori is Different than Traditional Education

Montessori education is a complex, interconnected system of hands-on materials, scientific theories on child development, and a spiritual philosophy rooted in the limitless potential of children. It is hard for even veteran Montessorians to perfect the fifteen-minute elevator pitch to answer the question “What is Montessori education?” to those who are unfamiliar. In this article, […]