Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

Montessori reading student

The Science of Reading has gathered together research from across the literacy development landscape, and shows a clear correlation in explicit, systematic phonics instruction and the development of skilled readers. While some children seem to learn to read by osmosis, most need an evidence-based, clearly organized approach to learn the complicated phonics of the English language. Montessori reading instruction must balance this fundamental need for explicit teaching with student-centered and independent activities cornerstone to the Montessori environment. One tool that helps Montessori reading teachers strike this balance is the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway.

Montessori reading student
The Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway is one tool analyzed in this series on Montessori Reading Instruction.

THE ORIGIN STORY of the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

Sara Cotner, Executive Director of Montessori for All, shares the story of the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway:

Montessori for All launched Austin’s first free public Montessori school 10 years ago, serving nearly 500 children—infants through Upper Elementary.

A few years into their journey, they noticed a troubling pattern: there was a significant correlation between children’s socioeconomic status and whether or not they were reading by the end of primary or reading on grade level in elementary. With the belief that literacy is a fundamental civil rights issue, they wanted to disrupt this pattern of inequity. Not finding the answers they were looking for in the resources on the market, their teachers decided they wanted to build their own Montessori-aligned resource—a resource that would

1) help kindergarteners who don’t know all of their letters sounds at the beginning of the year read by the end of the year and

2) help children in elementary who are below grade level advance quickly and close the gap

With the help of a national literacy consultant and an AMI trainer, they built the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway!

COMPONENTS of the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

The Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway is based in a Community of Practice. Teachers, interventionists, and administrators have access to five webinars throughout the upcoming school year. They include coaching, weekly emails, a personalized data tracker, a streamlined assessment, resources to share with families, work to add to the shelves, and a private Facebook group to stay connected and navigate challenges together.

The program includes a scripted curriculum with sequenced letter sound lessons. It moves pretty quickly using CVC words with activities based in Montessori materials. Sight word, dictation, and phonological awareness activities are also part of the program. Lessons occur three to four times a week and are designed to be one-on-one or in small groups. Sight word, dictation, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and phonological awareness activities are also included in the program. 

STRENGTHS of the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

  • This program uses Montessori materials and was designed in a public Montessori setting.
  • Teachers leave with immediately applicable lessons and a curriculum that can be easily used with kindergartners and elementary students not yet reading phonetically.
  • Simultaneously provides reading and spelling curricula, following the “writing before reading” pedagogy of Montessori.
  • Sequenced, repetitive practice activities aligns with Science of Reading recommendations for phonological awareness, phonics, and word recognition. However, while components and practices of the program are backed by research, there is not a body of evidence around this specific program.
  • Prepared lessons and continuums of concepts give teachers a clear map and toolkit. This equips teachers to begin implementing lessons tomorrow. Assessment recommendations are included. This minimizes teacher prep and lesson design.

CONSIDERATIONS for the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

  • Drills are teacher-led; however, the program is designed only to be administered to those who need this additional guided practice (kindergartners or struggling elementary readers)
  • It is highly recommended that you purchase books that go along with the program, which can be a significant expense. However, the readers offer a clear decoding sequence and strong representation and diversity in the stories so they are a good classroom resource.
  • Books are designed for younger students’ engagement (kindergarten through third grade).
  • Activities are designed to be administered one-on-one. This can be challenging in a classroom setting (but is ideal for individualization and feedback).
  • The Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway is a prescriptive program with a precise sequence. It requires commitment to activities three to four times per week. Teachers must be committed to implementation.

RECOMMENDATION for the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway

I have worked closely with a teacher who uses this program and have implemented some of the lessons myself. I recommend that every classroom in our school have at least one person with an AMS Reading Certificate and a skills-based program such as this. Overall, I recommend this resource. It provides ready-to-use lesson plans that enable teachers to quickly prepare to meet the needs of their readers each day. The sequence maps out lessons and activities thoroughly. It provides a well-rounded, routinized experience for students in an easy-to-understand format for teachers, especially in primary and lower elementary.

Request More Information About the Montessori Reading Acceleration Pathway HERE.

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