Montessori Minds Consulting

Empowering Montessori Educators

Through Collaborative Consultation

Welcome to the Montessori Minds Community!

Jess Davis is a Montessori alum, parent, educator, school leader, and international Montessori school consultant. She is passionate about Montessori pedagogy as not only a system of education, but as a movement for social change. Visit the About page to learn more about Jess and her Montessori journey. 

Engaged, empowered, resourced Montessori teachers have an incredible positive impact on the lives of children. Through Montessori Minds Consulting, Jess and the Montessori Minds team bring high-quality, customized Montessori professional development, Montessori leadership training, Montessori curriculum development, and Montessori teacher coaching to you, in-person or virtually. And the Montessori Minds community continues to grow! Jess shares resources, curates trainings and information from across the country and around the world, and connects Montessori educators through  the Montessori Minds blog, Facebook, and Instagram. The Montessori podcast, Roots and Wings, launches January 2025 on Spotify! As Dr. Montessori wrote, “The greatest gifts we can give children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Jess is dedicated to doing the same for the Montessorians who serve children every day with dedication and care. 

Ready to schedule a consultation about customized speaking or professional development events? Contact Jess today!

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